In recognition of Women’s History Month, Botetourt County Museum of History and Culture is highlighting local author Mary Johnson (1870-1936). Her book “To Have & To Hold” is displayed in the parlor. In 1900 she became the first woman in the United States to top the bestseller list with this book. The Museum also has a table from her home in Buchanan where she was born and spent her childhood. It was donated by James Cleimer Camper. As the daughter of a Confederate veteran and the last president of the James River and Kanawha Canal Company, Mary was a woman of strong convictions. She wrote 23 books, founded the Equal Suffrage League of Virginia and argued before the Virginia and Tennessee state legislatures. After living in Richmond she built her estate, “Three Hills,” in Warm Springs where she lived until her death.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture