Andrew Chapel UMC Ash Wednesday service
Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church will observe the first day of the Lenten season with an Ash Wednesday service on March 5 at 7 p.m. This service is open to the community and all are welcome. Andrew Chapel is located at 3936 Beaver Dam Road, just off Springwood Road in Springwood.
Buchanan Presbyterian Ash Wednesday service
Buchanan Presbyterian Church invites all who would like to start the season of Lent with a service of contemplation, song, and prayer, to the Ash Wednesday service on March 5 at 7 p.m. A potluck dinner will begin at 5:45
GriefShare will begin again at St. Mark’s UMC
GriefShare is a small support group offering hope and encouragement for those who have lost someone they love through death. The program consists of a workbook, video and small group discussion that offers compassion, confidentiality and sharing with others who understand. It doesn’t matter how recent or long ago the loss happened, it is hoped that participants can find God’s healing through this program.
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Daleville began the spring cycle of classes on February 20. There are 13 weeks of classes to be held in person in the fellowship hall. There are two sessions to choose from: 10-11:30 a.m. or 6:30-8 p.m.
Open enrolment for any session allows for those who can’t begin on February 20 to come when they can.
Call the church office at (540) 992-3030 for more information. Registrations may be made on the church website at All are welcome.
Fincastle Presbyterian Service of Prayer dates
Fincastle Presbyterian Church will be holding a Service of Prayer for Wholeness and Healing at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, February 26, and March 26.
This special service of prayer, music, silence and scripture is an opportunity to gather in Christian community and draw closer to God and offer prayers for individuals, the community, the country and the world.
A light supper will be served in the fellowship hall after the service. All are invited. The church is located at 108 E. Back Street, Fincastle.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Meal in Buchanan
Trinity United Methodist Church invites the public to its Shrove Tuesday Pancake Meal on March 4. Pancakes, sausage, bacon, coffee and juice will be served between 4 and 7 p.m. on that Tuesday. The meal is free and open to the public. “Love” offerings will be accepted.
Trinity United Methodist Church is located at 10637 Main Street in Buchanan. The meal will be served in the fellowship hall, enter off Washington Street.
Ebenezer Shrove Tuesday Supper March 4
Ebenezer United Methodist Church is having a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper starting at 4 p.m. and ending at 7 p.m. on March 4. Ebenezer is located at 85 Nace Road. Donations will be accepted. All are invited.
Cloverdale Thrift Store temporarily closed
Cloverdale Church of the Brethren Thrift Store is temporarily closed due to water damage. Donations are welcome to help restock.
Men’s and Women’s Day at Lapsley’s Run
Lapsleys Run Baptist Church’s Annual Men’s and Women’s Day will be held on Sunday,
March 9, at 11 a.m. The speaker for the service will be Brother Edgar Freeman. The
church will have the morning service only, but will serve lunch after the service.
Everyone is invited to attend these and all services at Lapsleys Run Baptist Church, 608
Zion Hill Road, Fincastle.