The Fincastle Herald will accept election issues or candidate endorsements Letters to the Editor until Oct. 16 for the Oct. 21 edition. Letters to the Editor may be edited for length, style and clarity.
Thanks writer for informative letter
Please extend my thanks to Betty Crow of Troutville for her insightful, informative and intelligent letter of September 30. Although the letter covered many salient facts, I would like to add two more: if elected, I’m confident Joe Biden will not only surround himself with intelligent, experienced advisers, he will listen to them; also, it’s very difficult for me to understand how any woman of any educational level, of any intelligence level, of any financial level could vote for the re-election of this president.
He’s had his chance and failed. And FYI, my favorite president of all time is Theodore Roosevelt, a Republican.
– Peggy Davis
Before You Vote
It’s one of the most divisive times in US history. False information, lies, slander, mob violence, and tyrannical governors are rampant. Satan is having a field day.
Are you fed up with media and colleges dictating what to think? Ask questions, get the truth, and think for yourself.
Before casting your vote in the presidential election, consider:
Abortion: Democrat politicians support women! Then why did they allow millions of unborn women to be aborted since 1973? And more hideously, right up to and after birth? Science confirms that life begins at conception. All life is protected under our Constitution, including those who can’t yet speak for themselves.
Immigration and Law Enforcement: Our country was built by immigrants who were vetted and became legal citizens. Without secure borders, gangs, drug and sex traffickers infiltrate our country, committing murder and other heinous crimes. Our taxes pay over $100 billion annually in illegal immigration costs. For bleeding hearts who want open borders and defunded law enforcement: Heard of MS-13? Been to Portland or Kenosha? Irony: Many elitists who want open borders live in gated communities. Hypocrites.
Guns: The numbers prove that nations with higher legal gun ownership have lower crime rates. You have the right to protect yourself, your family, and your property. If gun-free zones worked, the mass shootings at Virginia Tech, Parkland High School, Sandy Hook Elementary School, synagogues and churches could have been averted. Criminals will always get guns. The Second Amendment protects us from tyrannical governments oppressing and rendering us powerless.
Socialism: Democratic socialism is still socialism. We are a Republic with a Constitution. But if you’re interested, take a year off and live with locals in Venezuela. Sweden returned to capitalism and privatization after learning that socialism failed their country. Free healthcare will cost approximately $33 trillion. The more you allow government to dictate rules and programs, the more they control you. Hitler was a chillingly charismatic socialist. Our military veterans died protecting our US Constitution and Bill of Rights to keep us a free nation. Irony: Politicians decrying capitalism are enjoying their free-market products, multiple homes, and wealth. Hypocrites.
Our Pledge of Allegiance states that we are one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all. It trumps big-government socialism giving with one hand and taking with the other. Just ask Venezuela.
– Christine Liana