Tuesday is Election Day.
Across Botetourt County, citizens will cast their votes for national, state and local office seekers. We don’t care who you vote for, we just care you vote.
If you are sitting on the fence whether your vote really counts or not, keep in mind that by not voting for the candidates you want in the Oval Office, the State House and Town Council meeting rooms, you are essentially voting for the candidates you do not want to occupy those offices.
Let’s put it another way: one vote for Candidate A will cancel out a vote for Candidate B, and vice versa. History shows, although rare, a single vote has determined election victories. So, in the end, your vote does count.
Another reason to cast your vote Tuesday is to honor those who cannot. Tens, if not hundreds, of thousand men and women fought, bled, and died protecting our freedoms, including the right to vote and to have a say in our constitutional republic. This county has sent countless young people to war to fight for those rights. No matter the conflict, throughout this nation’s history brave men and women have stepped up in large numbers to defend our country. Honor them, by voting.
As Abraham Lincoln famously said, “A government of the people, by the people, for the people.” The power lies with you. Elections are the best way to make sure your voice is heard. You have a say in promoting the values you cherish and helping candidates who represent those values get elected.