Last week, the Botetourt County School Board approved a new $65 million budget for 2021-22. The new budget includes a 5% pay raise for faculties and staff. Instructional expenditures required $41.1 million, which made up over 80% of the overall spending.
The budget increased from the FY 21 budget of roughly $2.5 million. Funding focuses on a general operating fund (instruction, administration, transportation, maintenance, debt services, and technology), self-sustaining funds from sources like Title I and the CARES Act, and discrete funds.
The School Board will now await approval of funding from the county Board of Supervisors on the new budget.
Botetourt County Director of Finance Brandon Lee made a presentation highlighting the changes from last year’s budget to FY 22. The presentation included a table that gave information about the age of BCPS’s facilities across the county. The School Board plans to have over $1 million put toward improvements to the older buildings with the replacement of the roof at Lord Botetourt High School being one of the top priorities.
For more information about the new FY 22 budget, visit the School Board agenda page at for access to Lee’s PowerPoint presentation.