By Matt de Simone
Botetourt County Administrator Gary Larrowe formally introduced new Assistant County Administrator Jon Lanford to the board at the July Board of Supervisors meeting last week. Lanford commented that working in Botetourt is a “privilege” and praised the “great team” that represents the county.
Annette Patterson, president of The Advancement Foundation—a group that aims to increase business development to rebuild the local economy helping small business startups—introduced local prize winners in the 2021 Gauntlet competition: Dana Long of Let’s Party Creatively, Tim Miller and Lisa Moyer of Muddy Squirrel, Callie Altman of North Mountain Candle Company, and 2021 Gauntlet grand prize winner Candance Monaghan of Beaver Dam Sunflowers.
Susan Goad presented the Social Services annual report. Jim Varney gave VDOT’s monthly update to the board.
County Zoning Administrator Drew Pearson updated the board on the Gateway Crossing Area Plan. The presentation offered a long-term vision for the intersection which focuses on connectivity, increased safety, reduced congestion, increasing travel efficiency, and easier access to developmental lands. While Pearson merely presented the overall concept, the county’s Community Development department was not proposing funds for the project.
The board approved the revised bylaws of Botetourt County’s Parks and Rec Commission. Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton commended the commission on their “tremendous turnaround” in terms of administrative and policy revisions. Additionally, Tim Snyder, chairman of the Parks and Rec Commission, received approval from the board for another term as the commission’s Amsterdam District representative.
During the public hearings, the Board of Supervisors approved items #17-21 in the advertised July meeting agenda.