The Buchanan Lions Club is holding a Bland Music Talent Show and Scholarship Contest this year. This is the first year that the Buchanan Lions Club will participate in this competition.
The first step of the contest is a competition to be held on February 25 at 3 p.m. at Solomon’s Mission, 592 Lowe Street in Buchanan. Elementary, middle and high school age youth are eligible to enter. Each vocalist or musician will have up to eight minutes to perform. The Lions will provide a small stage, microphone, piano and a public address system.
All finalists from the preliminary competition will move on to compete at the regional competition at CommUnity Church, 1923 E. Main Street, Salem on Sunday, March 19, at 2 p.m.
Entry forms for talent have been provided to Botetourt County principals and music teachers.
If you are interested in participating in the local competition as talent or as a judge, fill out an entry form or judge application. If you have any questions, contact Lion Tim Heinlein at 540-450-66716 or
~ Submitted by Buchanan Lions Club