Eagle Rock Ruritan Club members were treated to a Three Lil’ Pigs barbecue meal at the April meeting, served by and compliments of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. Ruritan members appreciate the generosity of St. Mark’s members.
The guest speaker for the evening was Michelle Austin, president of Bank of Botetourt. She gave an informative program on the banking industry in general and specifically allayed any fears that members might have concerning the solvency of the local bank in light of several larger bank failures in recent months in other parts of the country. Austin is a longtime employee at Bank of Botetourt, beginning her full-time career with the bank upon graduation from college. She reminded the Ruritans that the branch in Eagle Rock was acquired from Dominion Bank in 1993 by Bank of Buchanan, which became Bank of Botetourt in 1995. The Eagle Rock branch continues to serve the banking needs of patrons in the local area and also serves as a beautiful landmark in the community.
Among the many Community Service Committee reports at the April meeting, Donna Vaughn, chair of the Finance Committee, finalized plans for the fish fry fundraiser which was held on Saturday, April 22. Rurtian members appreciate very much the good response to the fundraiser. The proceeds will help to fund the Ruritan Community Service projects.
The Community Engagement Committee announced that soon the Mobile Market Place Food Truck visits to Eagle Rock will increase from two Wednesdays to three Wednesdays per month.
Further plans were announced about the Science Fest to be held at the Blue Ridge Vineyard on Saturday, May 13, sponsored by the Ruritan Club. Details about the Science Fest can be found on the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club Facebook page.
Environment Committee Chair Barbara Holaday reminded members of the Litter Pick-Up day set for Thursday, April 20. Nine members participated in the cleanup and collected 15 or so bags of litter.
May is Ruritan Awareness Month. Ruritan National began in Holland, Va. in May of 1928. The National Office of Ruritan is now located in Dublin, Va. The long-time motto of Ruritan National is “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service.”
As always, the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club welcomes new members to work together for the betterment of the local community.
Submitted by Jane McRae, Publicity Chair