The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing during the December meeting this Tuesday for consideration of an amendment to the county’s FY 2023-24 budget to appropriate additional FY24 funding received from the state. This includes $632,243.00 that will be appropriated to the school division’s operating fund and $1,185,245.00 to be appropriated to the school division’s self-sustaining fund, with the latter specifically earmarked by the state (All-In-Virginia Initiative).
The total amount of the budget amendment is $1,817,488.00, which is funded by Commonwealth of Virginia monies.
In September, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin signed a bill (HB 6001/SB 6001) which included an investment of $418 million dedicated to “high dosage academic tutoring, accelerating the expansion of the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA), and combatting chronic absenteeism,” according to the Virginia Department of Education.
Youngkin recommended that school divisions focus on an “ALL In” approach that uses 70% of allocated funds on Grade 3-8 high-intensity tutoring, 20% on the Virginia Literacy Act (VLA), and 10% on chronic absenteeism. Completion of a division spending plan will be the first step in meeting annual reporting requirements.
Two other hearings are scheduled to take place – an amendment to Botetourt County’s FY 23-24 budget to cover certain FY24 contracted costs associated with the County Public Safety Radio System Replacement Project and a rezoning request from the Beahm family about a total of 1.9 acres in Botetourt and Roanoke Counties from Agricultural (A-1) to Residential (R-1).
The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors December meeting takes place Tuesday, Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. at the County Administration Center in Daleville. For more information, visit https://www.botetourtva.gov/AgendaCenter.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report