The Botetourt County Museum of History and Culture is dedicated to telling the story of Botetourt’s African American community– not just in February, but every day. This is the sign board for “Finding What Has Been Lost, The African American Story in Botetourt County.” Above it is an audiovisual one-hour program that reruns during museum hours, Monday-Saturday, 10-2, and Sunday, 2-4.
A pamphlet telling about it is on the African American display case next to the screen. There are also two research notebooks with the program’s 796 photographs that can be accessed in the bookstore.
It was created by Edward W. Barnett, Judith Barnett, Emily Honts, Steve Vest, Rena Worthen, Lee Hartman & Sons, Rosalie Goad, The Bank of Fincastle, Botetourt County Libraries, Library of Virginia, Botetourt County-Wide League, Botetourt Historical Society & Museum, Inc. and others.
The foremost purpose of Black History Month is to make all Americans aware of the struggle for freedom and equal opportunities.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture