The Botetourt County Administrative Offices moved from their offices in Fincastle last year and into what used to be the Greenfield Educational & Training Center in Daleville.
The main reason for the move was the lack of functionality and expired lifespan of the old offices. The new offices make each department more accessible for visitors in an updated environment. In Fincastle, parking limited citizens’ ability to get in and out without finding an open space.
“It has some nice benefits,” Commissioner of Revenue Chris Booth said of his new office in Daleville. “It has a more professional feel. We have an actual lobby with a counter, and there are separate windows for each department. That way, citizens can have their buffer space and an area to fill out paperwork. They can get in, get things done, and get out as safely as possible.”
Offices below the Board of Supervisors continue to work remotely at this time while all of the county’s elected officials are working in-house. Director of Community Development Nicole Pendleton discovered that finding alternative ways to operate day-to-day business practices isn’t all that bad during the pandemic.
“Our offices are still closed to the public, but we are really proud of some of the transitions we’ve made,” Pendleton explained. “Even before the move, when we went remote, we were able to transition to taking payments and permits electronically. That really helps because we required contractors and people to come in to file their applications or pull their permits in-person. Going remote and working with the Treasurer’s Office to help process those payments is what I am most proud of. Keeping the contractors and builders out in the workforce building and helping them continue to work during the pandemic is really important to us.”
The offices ultimately provide faster service to citizens. The old offices at the Botetourt County Courthouse were referred to as a “maze” by Treasurer Bill Arney. He is also a big fan of the new offices’ accessibility to the public and the various departments within the building.
There is a receptionist desk at the new offices’ front door to welcome citizens, which the old offices didn’t have. The receptionist serves to make guests’ visits easier to navigate, providing information about the offices’ locations marked with signs hanging in the hallways.
“This office mainly benefits the public,” Arney stated. “In a way, I hate that we’re not in Fincastle, but this office has good access off of 220. It’s easier to get into. The parking is adequate, the offices are on the same level, and there are not any steps to climb.”
Currently, the Botetourt County Administrative Offices are still closed to the public. Any visits are by appointment only.