David Carter is pictured (center) with Louis Silcox (left), a WW II and Korean War veteran and dual member of the two posts, and Jack Cassell, WW II and Korean War veteran. Cassell is holding Winnie from the Dog on Deployment program and the honorary mascot of Post 240. [SUBMITTED PHOTO]David Carter, a member of both American Legion Post 240 and VFW Post 1841, has been called to active duty. Previously, Carter served with a US Navy Construction Battalion, a “Sea Bee,” including a tour in Iraq, then entered the Navy Reserve. Now, returning to active duty, Petty Officer Carter is the Military Funerals Coordinator serving in Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina.
The Legion Act of 2019 expanded membership in the American Legion to any honorably discharged veteran and active duty members, including National Guard, who have served any federal service. New members are welcome.