Pictured from left to right are the members of the new executive committee: Dennis Craft, commander, Ray Gabay, lst vice commander, Marvin Moore, 2nd vice commander, Alex Kamwell, finance officer, Joel Eig, adjutant, and Warren Bennett, sergeant-at-arms.

Marvin Moore, 2nd vice commander (left), Ray Gabay, lst vice commander, and Dennis Craft, commander are pictured following the installation ceremony.
American Legion Post 240 held its annual installation meeting on Thursday, June 6. The newly elected officers will perform in their posts until June 2020.
Along with the installation of the new officers, the post took a moment to honor all World War II veterans who gave their all during the D-Day invasion, which was celebrating its 75th anniversary that same day.
Mission Bar-B-Que of Roanoke donated a dinner for the meeting. “We greatly appreciate this wonderful gesture,” Post 240 said.