Botetourt County Department of Economic Development has been awarded a $15,000 grant from Appalachian Power Co. (APCo), according to an announcement by the company last week.
The grant will be used for economic development marketing materials for Greenfield and hopefully website upgrades, Botetourt Economic Development Director Ken MacFadyen said. That will include developing folders, information sheets and brochures for the Research and Advanced Manufacturing-zoned property in Botetourt Center at Greenfield.
Botetourt County is among more than 20 government and nonprofit organizations that received grant funding from APCo in support of programs and initiatives that attract industry and encourage business expansion.
The funding is part of the company’s ongoing effort to promote local economic development in the company’s three-state service area, the announcement said.
A total of $330,000 in grant funds was awarded to 22 organizations in Virginia, West Virginia and Tennessee that submitted applications to Appalachian Power’s Economic Development Growth Enhancement (EDGE) program. The funds may be used for site development or to support marketing and promotion, or new business development and retention.
“Economic development is a collaborative effort,” said Brad Hall, Appalachian Power external affairs vice president. “These grants are a way to support the creativity and outstanding programs that create and retain jobs in the communities we serve.”
Appalachian Power launched its annual EDGE Grant program in 2014. “We appreciate the daily hard work and dedication exhibited by our economic development partners,” said John Smolak, Appalachian Power economic and business development director. “If their programs are successful then we as a utility provider are stronger for it.”
Besides Botetourt, another Virginia grant recipient is $15,000 to the Western Virginia Regional Industrial Facility Authority for a marketing program that will include detailed site renderings, branding, and drone video for the new 130-acre industrial park in Roanoke County known as the Woodhaven site.