IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT LANDRUM HARTMAN, SR. DECEASED NOTICE Having been requested to do so by Harry Benjamin Hartman,...
IN RE: ESTATE OF ROBERT LANDRUM HARTMAN, SR. DECEASED NOTICE Having been requested to do so by Harry Benjamin Hartman,...
DPC Living LLC., trading as Sycamore Place General Store, 19758 Main St., Buchanan, Botetourt County, VA. 24066-0000. The above...
In execution of the Deed of Trust dated October 3, 2016, in the original principal amount of $135,681.00, recorded as...
TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 17 KNOLLWOOD DRIVE, TROUTVILLE, VA 24175. In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated August 1,...
Pursuant to a Decree of the Circuit Court of Botetourt County, Virginia, made and entered into November 29, 2023...
Commonwealth of Virginia VA Code§§ 1-211.1; 8.01-316,20-104 Case No.CWF220000276 BOTETOURT COUNTY Circuit Court, 5 W. MAIN STREET, FINCASTLE, VA 24090...
OF 101 DRY BRANCH ROAD, BUCHANAN, VIRGINIA, 24066 Pursuant to a Decree of the Circuit Court of Botetourt County,...
In execution of a certain Deed of Trust dated February 28, 2022, in the original principal amount of $173,232.00...
NOTICE Having been requested to do so by L. Dale Weaver, executor of the estate of Eunice Frye...
NOTICE Having been requested to do so by Lenden Eakin, attorney for James McClure, administrator of the estate of Charles...
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