On July 16, Botetourt County Board of Supervisors Chairman Billy Martin was at the White House for a presentation on rolling back regulations. Martin was invited to attend the event by President Donald Trump through the Virginia Association of Counties (VACo), of which he serves as the regional director.
Martin and Botetourt County Administrator Gary Larrowe attended the White House event on the South Lawn of the White House along with state legislators and other county representatives from across the nation. Martin said, “This was a once in a lifetime invitation that I had to accept. Being at the White House with the President, Vice President, and five Cabinet Members was simply amazing. I felt exceptionally proud to represent Botetourt and VACo.”
During the presentation, Trump emphasized that over the last three years, he and his administration have cut seven and a half regulations for every new significant rule.

The governors of Idaho and Alaska spoke along with Vice President Mike Pence and Dr. Amy Johnson. Dr. Johnson spoke about the ability of telemedicine being allowed as a result of the efforts of the administration. Telemedicine allows doctors to meet with patients via electronic means and has helped significantly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Martin said that he was excited that Dr. Johnson practices medicine in Bedford and has ties to Botetourt. Dr. Johnson was a volunteer for Botetourt Fire & EMS prior to becoming a doctor and volunteered with Fincastle and Troutville volunteer departments.