The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors voted to amend the county’s Litter Control Ordinance at the monthly meeting last week. The board voted in favor of the amendments, 4 to 1 (Blue Ridge Supervisor Walter Michael voted no). The items amended included:
- (Sec. 20-77) Defining “enforcement agent” to mean “the county administrator or designee”
- (Sec. 20-78) General violations – Unless otherwise specifically provided, a violation of any provision of this article shall constitute a Class 4 misdemeanor. Where expressly provided, the county may elect to issue a civil citation for such offense. Civil enforcement of any violation of this article shall preclude criminal prosecution for the same offense.
- (Sec. 20-86.1) Inoperable motor vehicles – The county’s enforcement agent is empowered to issue citations to persons in violation. The fine for a first offense shall be $200 per day for the initial violation, and $500 for each subsequent citation for the same violation; provided, however, that a single violation may not be charged more than once every 10 days. The total of all citations arising from the same set of operative facts may not exceed $5,000 in any 12-month period.
- (Sec. 20-92) Maintenance of grass, weeds, and foreign growth – The county’s enforcement agent is empowered to issue citations to persons in violation. In the event a civil penalty is issued, the fine for the first violation shall be $50 per day, for each violation arising from the same set of operative facts. For subsequent violations on the same property arising from different sets of operative facts, the fine shall be $200 per day. The total fines for all violations arising from the same set of operative facts shall not exceed $3,000 in any 12-month period.
To read all of the amendments to “Article IV. Litter Control,” visit the Botetourt County agenda center (botetourtva.gov/AgendaCenter) to access last week’s board meeting packet.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report