By Matt de Simone
The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors held a public hearing during its July 23 meeting related to proposed amendments to the 2024-2025 Botetourt County Budget. Following the hearing, the board unanimously approved the amended items.
According to the county, the requested budget amendment items relate to items that were previously included in prior years’ budgets and have not been completed. New appropriations are required since previously approved appropriations expired on June 30. There is no new funding being requested.
The total budget amendment being requested totals $39,256,345.96. Below are the specific amended amounts:
Budget Amendment A – Amount: $29,200,000.00 – This is for the appropriation for financing proceeds for the Circuit Courthouse Renovation project expenses.
Budget Amendment B – Amount: $6,700,000.00 – This appropriation is for the Capital Project Reserve Fund for the contractual obligation with Motorola Solutions Inc. for the Public Safety Radio System replacement project.
Budget Amendment C – Amount: $250,000.00 – This is to appropriate a portion of the state grant funding for the Fincastle Museum project as initial funding for FY25 activity.
Budget Amendment D – Amount: $1,609,047.13 – This appropriation is for Fire & EMS ambulances and other vehicles that have been ordered but not delivered.
Budget Amendment E – Amount: $50,179.94 – This appropriation is for carryover funds in the Van Program Fund to support the purchase of a replacement vehicle.
Budget Amendment F – Amount: $1,212,909.48 – This beginning-of-year appropriation is for the use of funds that are contained in several discrete funds restricted for particular purposes. These funds are the result of donations, fines, fees, and law enforcement seizures.
Budget Amendment G – Amount: $30,000.00 – Eliminated – Transferred to Regular Monthly Appropriations – This appropriation for ARPA Tourism funds will be included in the July regular monthly appropriations.
Budget Amendment (New G) – Amount: $234,209.41 – This appropriation is for the FY25 beginning balance in the Fire & EMS Capital Reserve Fund that is used to support Fire & EMS apparatus purchases.
The board also approved five appropriations for projects that will carry over into FY 2024-25 totaling $323,551 that expired on June 30. Additionally, the board approved the transfer of $189,673.46 from the General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to the Fire & EMS Capital Reserve Fund and appropriating funds totaling $89,673.46 for the Fire & EMS Capital Reserve Fund.
According to this month’s meeting agenda packet, the FY23 audited Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR), total revenues generated from the program were $1,356,334.00. When compared to the “base figure” of $1,200,000, there was $156,334.00 of excess revenues which are to be considered for transfer to the Fire & EMS Capital Reserve Fund.
In addition, in accordance the policy, funds generated from the sale of vehicles and vehicle trailers can be included and considered for transfer to the Fire & EMS Capital Reserve Fund. Apparatus sales totaled $33,339.46 for FY23 and FY24. This brings the total amount to be considered for transfer to the Reserve Fund to $189,673.46.
For more about last week’s Board of Supervisors meeting, visit botetourtva.gov/AgendaCenter to view the agenda.