Camp Leo provides students with the opportunity to participate in team-building exercises, rock wall courses, obstacle courses, creek activities, laser tag, field games, and swimming. This summer, student will experience evidence-based activities that include a “murder mystery” campers will work to uncover throughout the week.
Botetourt County SROs will educate campers on various aspects of law enforcement including fingerprinting and foot impression investigations. They will also incorporate curriculum for Virginia Rules with a focus on preparing students for experiences they may encounter in school related to bullying, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and technology.
Another addition at Camp Leo features a student first aid training unit. Botetourt County’s K-9 and SWAT team will once again provide a demonstration for campers.
Camp Leo is available to any student from the fifth through the eighth grade with a cost of $220 per camper. The Botetourt County Sheriff’s Office wants all students who want to take part in Camp Leo to have a chance to participate. Financial support is available for students who may not be able to afford the cost of camp.
Camp takes place from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with arrival times between 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and pickup times between 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. SROs will be present and active with participants the entire time with Camp Eagle providing additional staffing and activities.
For any questions, contact SRO Captain Scott Gathje at