By Matt de Simone
The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors held its monthly meeting at the Botetourt County Administration Offices in Daleville last Tuesday.
Botetourt County Director of Parks and Recreation Mandy Adkins introduced the new Roanoke Valley Greenway Coordinator Frank Maguire to the board. Before arriving in Botetourt, Maguire coordinated and supported several large-scale trail initiatives for the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
Botetourt County Director of Communications Tiffany Bradbury introduced new communications team member Kristin Chaffin to the board. Chaffin arrives in Botetourt after spending time with the Roanoke Fire & EMS as the Community Risk Reduction Specialist.
Botetourt County Library Director Julie Phillips introduced the new Buchanan Library Branch Manager Cheryl Wagner, who spent the last nine years working in Roanoke County Public Libraries. Most recently, Wagner served as the Circulation Supervisor and was awarded the Clara M. Stanley Professional Associates Forums Scholarship from the Virginia Library Association.
Phillips then spoke about the #BOCOGrateful initiative where Botetourt libraries gave visitors the chance to write about what is wonderful about Botetourt County. She expressed the libraries’ gratitude for the board’s participation and encouragement with the initiative and presented a framed notice on behalf of all Botetourt libraries as a “thank you.”
Botetourt County Administrator Gary Larrowe introduced Lorie Bess as the new Botetourt County Deputy Clerk to the board. Bess will replace Susan Fain, who retires at the end of December after over 40 years of service.
“Susan has done a phenomenal helping to ease (Bess’s) transition,” Larrowe stated. “We are very pleased that Lorie has come to be with us.”
Botetourt County Fire & EMS Chief Jason Ferguson recognized Bobby Simmons of the Eagle Rock Volunteer Fire Department and Jonathan Simmons of the Troutville Volunteer Fire Department for receiving their Structural Collapse Certification and Credentialing. They spent 80 hours working at the Virginia Task Force Two site in Virginia Beach to obtain their certifications.
Ferguson then introduced Cameron Vest, who fell into a campfire at Craig Creek in the Eagle Rock area. He was rescued by local first responders from Eagle Rock, sedated, and flown to Roanoke Memorial Hospital, where he has since recovered from his burns.
“I am so fortunate to the county,” Vest said. “From the time that 9-1-1 was called, (first responders) were there in a matter of minutes. I don’t remember a lot of it, but my family and friends were taken aback at the level of professionalism that the Botetourt County Fire & EMS– and Sheriff’s Department– portrayed on my extraction out of there. I think that’s why I was able to recover. I just want to take this opportunity to say ‘thanks’ and that I’m very blessed and thankful to own property in Botetourt County and be a part of this community.”
Ferguson presented the board with Botetourt County Fire & EMS’s Outstanding Emergency Medical Services Agency of the Year award. The department received the award in Norfolk in November.
The board tabled the request from Buchanan Crossing, LLC to advertise for a public hearing on a proposed Zoning Ordinance text amendment to the Business B-2 Use District. Kourtney P. Hurd and Buchanan Crossing, LLC are requesting that the board consider amendments that would create a new use category allowing for a convenience store operating 24 hours per day and seven days per week that provides high-flow commercial diesel dispensers for the fueling of commercial vehicles and parking spaces for large vehicles and/or commercial trucks.
The board approved the consideration of architectural services for the Buchanan Library proposed by Enteros of a $45,000 project authorizing Enteros’ A/E services to develop renovation plans to utilize the entire building.
Deputy County Administrator David Moorman provided an update on the county’s redistricting process. The board decided to defer until state redistricting is settled.
During the meeting’s public hearings, the board approved Charles and Grace Hicks’s rezoning request of a parcel of land, with possible proffered conditions, from the Residential Use District to the Agriculture Use District for agricultural uses off of Old Sessler Mill Road in Troutville.
The board also approved text amendments to Chapter 25 Zoning, Article II, increasing the maximum height of buildings and structures in the Shopping Center District of Gateway Crossing. The zoning will allow for the construction of a new four-story Hampton Inn Hotel. This project is in conformance with many of the goals, strategies, and objectives as outlined as part of the Gateway Crossing Urban Development Area.
The board unanimously denied the request for a Commission Permit in accordance with 15.2-2232 of the Code of Virginia, in addition to a Special Exemptions Permit to construct a non-illuminated 199-foot telecommunications facility located adjacent to the 300 and 400 block of Goad Road in Buchanan. The Planning Commission previously recommended denial of both requests.
For more information on last month’s meeting, please visit https://botetourtva.gov/your-government/board-of-supervisors/#past.