A bottle from the Gala Springs Co. is featured in a special display about the many natural springs that are in Botetourt County. Native Americans used these springs to quench their thirst before early settlers discovered them. There were many illnesses during this time in history and local springs were important for their pure drinking water and for their healing properties. Although not much is known about the Gala Springs Co., water was shipped by mail in these bottles. It was among the first springs in Botetourt to be commercialized. Joseph “Joe” Buhrman II (1924-2019) donated this artifact to the Botetourt County Historical Society, Inc. in 2019. He was a charter member who continued his involvement in preserving Botetourt history for more than 50 years as an active member of the Board of Directors. He was a philanthropist who lived in Gala just north of Eagle Rock on his family’s farm. It is through his generosity that BCHS was able to purchase their Botetourt Museum of History and Culture at 26 East Main Street, Fincastle.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture