Every New Year begins as a clean slate. Records for businesses used to be kept in handwritten ledgers like this one from 1879-1894. It is labeled “Layman Bros Daleville Virginia” inside the cover. Page 95 shows a work agreement between George G. Layman and John Bishop in 1889.
It states “G.G. Layman agrees to pay John Bishop for the first five months of the year ten dollars a month and for the last seven months thirteen dollars a month…” He also agrees to provide housing, firewood, one meal during the day, dinner, 20 bushels of apples for apple butter, part of the garden for potatoes and pasture for one cow.
The ledger contains many Botetourt names and the prices for food, horses, hats, buckets, etc. Charles Benton Bolton donated this ledger to the Botetourt County History Museum. Today it can be seen upstairs with the farming exhibit. The BCHS Museum is free and open every day at 26 East Main Street, Fincastle.
~ Botetourt County History Museum