During the summer many families celebrate reunions while sharing their history. This is a photograph of Shem Carlis Nininger ( b. 1885) and his wife, Harvey May Caldwell Nininger ( b. 1890). The child is Virginia Roberta Nininger, who was born in 1912. She was the first of their 10 children and married Warner Calvin Crowder on July 6, 1928, in Bristol, Tenn.. They had five children who lived to adulthood. One of those children was Catherine Crowder Teaford, who donated this portrait to the Botetourt County Historical Society in 2000. The antique frame has raised colored flowers and the family is dressed in the latest fashion. Catherine Teaford (1932-2018) is the mother of current BCHS board member Catherine Teaford Cronise. This portrait hangs upstairs in the Botetourt Museum of History and Culture.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture