This historic painting of Fincastle was created by Connie Marsh in 1993. It shows the corner of Main and Roanoke Streets with an arrow on the sign that says 20. What do the other two signs mean that say “ State 17” and “State 12”? The stoplight is shown which dates the time period of the painting to between 1935 and 1950. On the back of the frame is handwritten “4-2-93. This watercolor of Fincastle is to go to Jim Connell at my death, providing he is still living then. Peggy Honeycutt.” Connie Marsh is a beloved artist who was featured on three of the Botetourt County Historical Society, Inc. calendars from 2019-2021. Her painting of Fincastle is upstairs above the mantel in the Courthouse Room at the Botetourt Museum of History and Culture. For more information –https://bothistsoc.Wordpress.com.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture