Although this fancy teapot is missing its lid, spout and handle, it has significance. From the stains on the cream and gold artifact, it appears to have been discovered underground. Mrs. W.P. Morgan of Charlottesville said when she donated it to the Botetourt County Historical Society, Inc. that the teapot is from the Greenfield Plantation. The Greenfield Plantation had its beginnings in 1759 when Col. William Preston (1729-1783) purchased the tract from Stephen Renfro on Buffalo Creek in Amsterdam, Va. While serving in the Virginia House of Burgesses, Preston was able to purchase fine imported china from England for his home. Several archeological studies have been done at the Greenfield site, which is owned by Botetourt County today. The Historic Greenfield Advisory Council is working with Botetourt County and the Botetourt Museum of History and Culture to preserve a historic area at Greenfield to include the enslaveds’ cabin, summer kitchen, farm manager’s house and two cemeteries.
~ Botetourt County Museum of History & Culture