Botetourt County loves its community and one of the things that it loves to do is answer community’s questions about their local government. This is citizens’ opportunity to “ASK BOCO!”
During August, and continuing after that, the county invites citizens to chat with them and ask questions.
Have you ever wondered:
- How do I get a marriage license?
- How do I find out what’s going on in Botetourt County government?
- I’m new to the county – where can I find out more about services?
- How do I report a missing or damaged street sign?
- Permits – what are they and why do I need one?
- How can I become a volunteer firefighter?
- How do I rent a library meeting room or parks and recreation facility?
- I want to start a small business….where should I start?
- How do I register to vote?
The county wants to hear from its citizens. Fill out a form here: https://www.botetourtva.gov/FormCenter/Communications-22/Ask-BOCO-124. Or, citizens can contact county communications via email at communications@botetourtva.gov, give them a call at (540) 928-2004, or visit www.botetourtva.gov/askboco.
Then, to celebrate Civic Awareness Month in September, be on the lookout for new and improved ways for citizens to learn more about living, working, playing, and giving back to the Botetourt community.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report