Lynn Burton, Patsy Dickerson, Caroly Wiley, Lynsey Allie and Lois Switzer

Photos courtesy of BCHS
The Botetourt County Historical Society (BCHS) hosted a bus trip to Richmond last Saturday for a special “Botetourt Day” at historic St. John’s Church.
Andrew Lewis and John Bowyer attended the Second Virginia Convention as Botetourt delegates and were present when Patrick Henry gave his famous “give me liberty or give me death” speech. This day was meant to commemorate Botetourt’s involvement as the colonies progressed towards the Revolutionary War and independence.
“Overall, it was a great day and glad we were able to do it,” BCHS Executive Director Lynsey Allie said of the trip to Richmond.
Delegate Terry Austin and his wife Kathy were present and Del. Austin actually portrayed the part of the Rev. Miles Selden in the re-enactment of the convention/Henry’s speech. Cheryl Wilson, the director of the VA250, was also in attendance.
The group then headed to the State Capitol Building for a tour and got to stop by the portrait of Lord Botetourt on the second floor.
For more information about the Botetourt County Historical Society, visit bothistsoc.wordpress.com/.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report