The Botetourt County Department of Fire & EMS has achieved vaccination distribution status with the Virginia Department of Health and CDC. Since mid-2020, department leadership has been working to ensure that Botetourt County residents can gain access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Most of this coordination has taken place with the Roanoke-Alleghany Health District, as it serves as the area’s main point for widespread distribution for the vaccine.
Through the combined efforts of a part-time paramedic, Kyle Sperber, who is currently a graduate student at Georgetown University studying biodefense and infectious diseases, Emergency Manager Daniel Murray, the department’s medical director Dr. Carol Bernier, and department leadership, the administrative process to become an approved vaccination distribution point was completed. In the past two weeks, the department received confirmation of approval to proceed.
On Tuesday, April 13, the department received its first allotment of 20 doses of the Moderna vaccine. By the end of Wednesday, the first 10 doses had been administered. “We have made a concentrated effort to push for becoming a vaccination site and get to the people that can’t get to the vaccine through other means. Our citizens deserve every opportunity to access the vaccine, if they want to receive it, and this is just one more way that we can get vaccines in arms,” said Chief Jason Ferguson. “A lot of work has been put into the efforts of completing all the administrative paperwork, ensuring proper vaccine storage requirements are met, and that personnel delivering the vaccine have received appropriate training on the vaccine being offered,” he said.

“I am super excited to see our men and women of the department take on this crucial role in delivering services to the community. This goes above and beyond traditional emergency medical care, this is preventative medicine and public health. During times like these, we need our first responders to be far more than emergency focused, and Botetourt has really stepped up to the plate,” explained Dr. Carol Bernier, operational medical director for Botetourt’s Fire & EMS system.
“This is an excellent opportunity for Botetourt County. I couldn’t be prouder of the efforts of our Fire & EMS throughout this entire pandemic. This is just one more way that we are trying to ensure our communities are taken care of. Our crews definitely go above and beyond traditional emergency services delivery, this is just one more example of that,” said Board of Supervisors Chairman Dr. Mac Scothorn.
The department is working on the next opportunity for vaccine distribution– this Sunday, April 25– which will be coming in the form of a “POD” or point of distribution site in the Buchanan area. While details are still being confirmed, citizens are encouraged watch for additional details coming early this week. A total of 50 vaccines have been requested to support this week’s efforts.