This summer, the Botetourt Globetrotters— a group of teachers, parents and students—traveled abroad to the countries of Germany, Italy, Austria and Switzerland.
This year’s group was led by Read Mountain Middle School teachers Angela Myers and Tracey White and had students attending from RMMS, Central Academy Middle School, Lord Botetourt High School and James River High School.
The itinerary for this trip was spectacular, Myers said.
This group was able to see the German cities of Munich, Freiburg, Heidelburg and Rothenburg. The group was also able to visit the first concentration camp established in Germany, Dachau, which was a very moving experience for everyone.
In Italy, the group visited Venice, which was a unique experience in itself. A memorable excursion there was the gondola ride; this was definitely something that won’t be forgotten, Myers said.
In Switzerland, the group was able to travel up Mt. Rigi via cable car and railroad for the renowned view.
A quick pitstop in Innsbruck, Austria allowed everyone in the group to check one more country off of his/her list.
The group as a whole had an amazing time and made memories with people from all across the county, Myers said.
Anyone interested in traveling next year with the Botetourt Globetrotters should contact Angela Myers at 540-874-8226. The 2018 trip will be to Spain.