The Kiwanis Club of Botetourt County hosted the annual winter dinner club meeting on February 12 at The Glebe in Daleville. Kiwanis Chaplain, Father Rich Workowski, provided piano music and led the group in singing “America The Beautiful” before dinner.
Hiawatha Nicely introduced special guest Capital District Governor Elana Gardner, who shared District news and encouraged participation in the upcoming Midyear Kiwanis Conference being held in Williamsburg on March 4-6. The Capital District includes Kiwanis Clubs from Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Washington D.C., and West Virginia.
Following a buffet dinner provided by The Glebe, the evening concluded with a Valentine’s gift exchange.
The Botetourt County Kiwanis Club meets on the first and third Monday of each month at Bellacino’s. All are welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Ed Lynch at elynch@hollins.edu.