Nichols served as resident of the Botetourt County Rotary Club in 2018-2019 and has remained a board member of the club until the present. In June 2021, he was designated as a District 110 % Award recipient by AG James Cook. He has most recently served as Rotary International (RI) Foundation Advocate for the six Rotary clubs in Area 6. He is employed by Appalachian Power Co. where he serves as Energy Efficiency & Consumer Programs manager.
The Botetourt County Rotary Club is a service organization for business and professional individuals who are committed to service in the community and around the world. As a part of the worldwide family of Rotary International, the world’s oldest service organization, Botetourt County Rotary Club promotes high ethical standards in business and professions and fosters the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal, business and community life. The club meets first and third Wednesdays of each month at noon at Bellacino’s in Daleville as well as remotely. Individuals interested in Rotary may contact Lethia Hammond at, Husain Alam at, or Joe Obenshain at