“The Botetourt Rotary Club recognizes what a unique and valuable asset the Greenfield Recreation Trail is to the citizens of our community,” said Lethia Hammond, Rotary president. “We wish to express our sincere appreciation to everyone who helped support this project by supporting our fundraising efforts. I especially want to recognize Joe Obenshain, Husain Alam, Dee Nichols and Don Nichols, who worked to design and place the benches, as well as Botetourt County’s Maintenance and Parks and Recreation employees who worked closely with our club and provided the concrete pad,” Hammond concluded.
The Botetourt Rotary Club meets every first and third Wednesday at noon at Bellacino’s in Daleville. A WebEx link is also available for those who wish to attend virtually. “We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders,” Hammond said. “All are welcome to attend.”
For more information, contact Botetourt Rotary President Lethia Hammond at lethiahammond@outlook.com.