The Botetourt Rotary held its 2020 Fall Raffle on November 17. In spite of the pandemic, the club was successful in gathering 53 prize donations from local businesses and individuals, and more than 300 tickets were sold. A total of $3,070 was raised with this year’s raffle, and realized funds will be used to benefit a variety of charitable organizations.
“The Botetourt Rotary is extremely appreciative of all those individuals and businesses that donated prizes in order to make this year’s raffle a success,” said Lethia Hammond, president-elect. “We are also grateful to everyone that supported the raffle through ticket purchases,” Hammond said.
On December 2, the club presented a check for $2,046 to the League for Animal Protection (LAP), one of the recipients of this year’s raffle proceeds. The LAP is a non-profit, no-kill shelter operated by volunteers concerned with the welfare of animals. The LAP, which has been in operation since 1991 and located in Fincastle, offers rescue, medical care, and placement for animals that fall victim to injury, illness, neglect, abandonment, or abuse. The services provided by the LAP are funded solely by membership fees, fund-raising events, and private donations.
The remainder of the funds, or $1,024, will be distributed equally between Rotary’s PolioPlus initiative and the Botetourt County Rotary Club. Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years, and its goal of ridding the world of this disease is closer than ever. Remaining funds will be distributed to the Botetourt County Rotary Club and will be used for local service projects and/or donations to other local charitable organizations.