Photo by Ed McCoy

Buchanan town officials and the family of “Buster” Thrasher gathered June 6 at the corner of Main Street and Lowe Street to dedicate a monument and flagpole in recognition of the late Buchanan resident.
Thrasher owned a car wash on the corner lot, and after he passed away, his family followed through on his wishes that the town, at some point, get the property.
The lot has been paved for parking, has a picnic table, a sign and is now landscaped for public use after it was purchased by the town in late 2013.
The Thrasher family contributed $9,000 to the purchase price with the idea that there would be some recognition of Buster Thrasher’s service in the military and to the community.
Last year, the town established a monument and decided to erect a flagpole on the property.
The family unveiled the monument and Buster Thrasher’s son Hunter officially raised an American flag for the first time.
“This is a beautiful piece of property and it really enhances our town,” Mayor Craig Bryant said at the dedication. “It serves as a gateway attraction and provides parking for the swinging bridge.”
He said the parking area and picnic area was accomplished through the dedication of the community, Town Council and past town leaders.
Former Mayor Larry Hall said it was one of the best things council did while he was mayor.
“It’s a place we envisioned where visitors and residents could come to walk the swinging bridge and go downtown to park,” Hall said.
Twin River Outfitters also contributed to purchasing the property and suggested the town consider buying it.
Hunter Thrasher called the property “very, very picturesque” and one of the better vantage points for seeing the swinging bridge.
“Dad grew up with the river and associated with the river all of his life,” he continued, “and having a monument to him— on behalf of the family, thank you.”
— Ed McCoy