By Matt de Simone
Buchanan Town Council met Monday night in Town Hall to take action on items pertaining to Buchanan Elementary School. Those items included consideration for a new school sign permit and an agreement on a trail to be constructed on county-owned property neighboring the school as part of this year’s Recreation Economy for Rural Communities planning grant.
Town Council unanimously approved a new sign permit for the school. Staff were comfortable allowing the new sign and recommended council take action on the matter. This item was reviewed at the January 9 council work session.
According to the town, its sign ordinance specifies specific dimensions for signs in various areas of town and it allows for exceptions. For the purposes of this ordinance, the term “sign” does not include: signs erected or posted and maintained for public safety and welfare or pursuant to any governmental function, law, bylaw, or other regulation.
The term also doesn’t include a bulletin board or similar sign not exceeding 20 sq. ft. in display area, in connection with any church, museum, library, school, or similar public or semi-public structure, provided that the top of such sign cannot not be more than eight feet above ground level, and provided that it doesn’t possess any of the characteristics listed.
The town went on to explain in the meeting’s agenda packet that the special permit application will be required for future lighted signs, signs which are larger than those allowed by right, or signs in any districts shall be referred to the Planning Commission, which shall make recommendations to council. Town Council and/or Planning Commission may hold a public hearing if it deems necessary.
Additionally, Buchanan Town Council unanimously authorized Town Manager Angela Lawrence to sign a Development and Access agreement for a trail to be constructed on the county- and school-owned property located on Schoolhouse Road. Council approved the trail last October. Most work will be done by volunteers and the project’s funding will be provided through donations and grants.
The town added that public access to and use of the new trail will be permitted only when children are not required to be on the school premises before the start of the school day, after the school day ends, and any time school is not in session including holidays when school closure occurs. The school division has offered to install and maintain signage displaying trail use days and will monitor and manage public access to and use of its property.
Martin Luther King Day – January 20 – Town Hall Closed
FSWVA Mobile Market – January 22 – 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Town Park
Leap Mobile Market – February 7 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. – Botetourt Resource Center
Town Council Meeting – February 10 – 7 p.m. – Town Hall