Fincastle United Methodist Church will host the third in the Historic Fincastle, Inc. series of “Celebrating Historic Fincastle Churches.” This will be held on Sunday, June 30 at 3 p.m. in the church sanctuary.
Angela Coon will share the history of the church, accompanied by pictures. The Sanctuary Choir and the Brass Ensemble will share a melody of patriotic music that will include “A Tribute to the Armed Services,” “Let There Be Peace on Earth,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” “America,” “Washington Post March,” “La Rejouissance” from “Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks” and others.
Music Director Heather Mitchell requests that all service men and women and veterans wear a ribbon or hat or symbol of the branch of service in which they served. During “A Tribute to the Armed Services,” they will be asked to stand when the anthem from the branch is played. This should be a rousing way to the beginning of July 4th celebrations.
After the music, the church will provide lemonade and cookies served under the historic honey ash tree in the front yard.