Seems like every month when it’s time to write this missive that the world has changed yet again. Do you ever feel like we can’t quite get caught up to the news roll? I know that’s how I’m feeling.
French writer Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr wrote what has been popularly translated as “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” It’s a bit of a resignation that no matter what, things may repeat, regardless of other advances. I think that pretty well sums up our world today.
When I moved into my house last fall there was a birdhouse on the wall near the kitchen window. Not in great shape, but I had other things to do and it stayed. About a month ago some enterprising young family moved in, built a nest and about a week ago the eggs hatched. Two new lives to feed, so mom and dad took turns being the early bird, I suppose. Today the chicks are flapping their wings. Every time mom flies away now, one keeps standing on the edge of the nest stretching, flapping, then decides to sit back in the nest. One of these times that chick will decide it’s time. Or maybe its sibling will give it a nudge?
And so goes our current world. Some people are out and are comfortable flying around getting food and such. Some are standing at the edge of the nest wondering if it’s safe yet. And maybe they go back to the sofa or the office for another webinar. Some are challenged by the need to keep loved ones (babies and elderly parents and more) safe, so they are also staying in or near the nest.
And it’s all okay. If you know me, you know I’m a social animal that loves being with people and meeting and shaking hands and a hug or two may sneak in. Those of you that are like this are also suffering a disconnection.
Thursday, July 9 we’ll take another step with our first “Lunch & Learn” (Coaching for Conflict) luncheon, and later that same day, our Annual Meeting of the Membership will also be held at Virginia Mountain Vineyards.
Please join us if comfortable. Again, all precautions will be taken, we’d love to see you at our events!
With all that’s going on today, remember, this too shall change.
-Grant Holmes, Executive Director
Botetourt County Chamber of Commerce