In November the Christian Free Clinic in Botetourt received a grant from the Thomas P. and Lewise S. Parsley Fund of the Foundation for Roanoke Valley.
These funds are designated to pay for prescription medications for eligible patients at the Free Clinic. Melissa Lacks, president of the Free Clinic, said, “We have to budget to provide for as many patients as possible with the essential medications that they need.” This grant allows the Free Clinic to continue paying for medications for patients who cannot afford their prescriptions.
“The Foundation for Roanoke Valley’s grant program benefits many charitable organizations in our area. We are grateful for this funding opportunity to help those in need,” said Jenny Daniels, executive director.
The Christian Free Clinic in Botetourt is open each Tuesday evening serves people in Botetourt County who have no health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, nor Veterans’ benefits, and are at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines in their household income.
For additional information call 353-0509.