Buchanan Food Pantry Fill the Porch to Feed My Sheep food drive June 17
The Buchanan Presbyterian Church Food Pantry is holding a food drive Saturday, June 17.
The number of families that are served has almost doubled since last year, thus the food pantry leaders came up with the Fill the Porch to Feed My Sheep food drive. They are asking the community to support their efforts in feeding those in need in Botetourt County. Volunteers will be at the church, 19559 Main Street, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. to receive donations of non-perishable food items.
The Buchanan Presbyterian Church Food Pantry was started in 2010. It serves residents of Botetourt County, but no one is turned away. This time of year, the pantry also frequently serves Appalachian Trail through hikers.
The food pantry is open on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month from 9-11 a.m. It is staffed by volunteers from Buchanan Presbyterian Church, the Buchanan Lions Club, Buchanan Baptist Church and Daleville’s St. Mark’s United Methodist Church. For more information, call 540-354-1537.
Pleasant Hill Movie Night, Red Sox game
Pleasant Hill Baptist will host Movie Night on June 25 at 6 p.m. The movie will be “Big George Foreman.” Refreshments will be provided. Bring a comfy chair.
Pleasant Hill Baptist will be attending Faith & Family Night at the Salem Red Sox on July 14 at 7 p.m. If you are interested in attending, call the church line at (540) 992-5556.Transportation will be provided but bus seating is limited so sign up early.
Children’s Game Day in Troutville Park
Troutville Baptist Church will sponsor Children’s Game Day in Troutville Park on Saturday, June 17 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will include games, prizes and a free hot dog lunch. All area children are invited to participate.
They also are invited to Vacation Bible School June 19-23 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Springwood Food Pantry open June 17
The Springwood Baptist Food Pantry will be open on Saturday, June 17 from 9-10:30 a.m. The pantry is located at 88 Copps Hill Road, Buchanan. This pantry is a drive through pantry, so clients may remain in their cars and volunteers will load the food for them. The pantry is open each month on the third Saturday from 9-10:30 a.m. It is a partner with Feeding America Southwest Virginia and anyone in need of food is invited.
Movie Night at PleasantDale
PleasantDale Church of the Brethren Movie Night is June 24. Beginning at 4 p.m., there will be hot dogs, chips, drinks, ice cream and other snacks in the fellowship hall downstairs. The movie “Jesus Revolution” will begin at 5 p.m. (or shortly after). This is a free event open to the public; donations greatly appreciated.
Upward Soccer begins at Colonial Baptist
Upward Soccer registrations began June 1 for the fall season at Colonial Baptist Church in Blue Ridge for boys and girls in K4-Grade 5 (must be 4 by August 1). Cost per child is $75 and includes uniform and multiple recognition awards. With just one practice a week and one-hour Saturday games, Upward makes the most of a family’s time and money.
Upward Evaluations are July 21 and July 29 (each player must attend one). Practices begin August 21 with the first game on Sept. 9. Games are held on Saturdays in September and October. Registration Deadline is July 29. Register and pay online at: https://registration.upward.org/UPW84229. The link is also available on the Facebook page or website at www.cbcblueridge.org. Colonial Baptist Church and athletic fields are located at 221 Hillcrest Street in Blue Ridge, just off Mountain Pass Rd. and Rt. 460. Call the church office at 540-977-5683 for more information.”
Mennonite Choir to sing at Fincastle Presbyterian
The Fincastle Presbyterian Church is sponsoring a performance in the church’s sanctuary by the Fincastle Mennonite Choir entitled, “You Do Not Walk Alone.” The concert will be held Sunday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. Admission is free, but a love offering will be taken up in support of their school building program. A fellowship time with refreshments will be available in the church’s fellowship hall immediately after the performance.