Zion Hill Baptist revival October 6-9

Evangelist Rick Via will be leading revival services at Zion Hill Baptist Church October 6-9. Services begin Sunday, Oct. 6 at 11 a.m. and continue that night and through Wednesday at 7 p.m. A potluck fellowship dinner will be held after the Sunday morning service.
Special music will be presented nightly by: Route 11, October 6; Botetourt County Chorus, October 7; Revelation Men’s Ensemble, October 8; and Tonya Ballard, October 9.
A nursery will be provided.
Solomon’s Mission fundraising supper Saturday
Solomon’s Mission is having a fundraiser from 6-8:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 21 to raise funds for the new youth ministry SWAG and the ministry in general. The meal from 6-7 p.m. is $10 for chili beans, baked potato and salad; kids plates are $5 and ages 4 and under will eat free. Desserts will be sold separately.
The band “Banned From Church” will play at 7, with music from Red Hot Chili Peppers, Lynyrd Sknyrd, The Who and Rolling Stones. There is no charge to hear the music, but the band will accept donations to go to Solomon’s Mission.
St. Mark’s holding ‘Rise Against Hunger’ packing event
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Daleville invites the public to help pack food at a “Rise Against Hunger” event this Saturday, Sept. 21, beginning at 9 a.m. in the Family Life Center. The mission of Rise Against Hunger is to end hunger by 2030, and great progress is being made toward this goal. According to their website (www.riseagainsthunger.org), the number of people facing hunger in the world has dropped from 24 percent in 1990 to about 10 percent. Yet there are still 821 million people in the world who don’t get the food they need to live a healthy life. Since 2005, Rise Against Hunger volunteers have packaged nearly 500 million meals, and each year the organization engages hundreds of thousands of volunteers globally.
At St. Mark’s this Saturday, about 17,400 meals will be put together to feed needy people around the world. There are jobs for young and old alike at this fun event, and there is no need to sign up ahead of time– just show up at 9 a.m. St. Mark’s United Methodist Church is located at 19 Cedar Ridge Drive in Daleville, directly across US 220 from Kroger. For more information, contact the church at 992-3030.
Auction September 21 to benefit Mill Creek Mission Teams
Mill Creek Baptist Church will host a Longaberger Basket, Pottery, and Linens Auction on September 21 in the fellowship hall. Doors will open at 4 p.m. and the auction will begin at 5 p.m. The extensive collection, which includes over 600 items, has many unique items for sale.
A listing and photos is available at https://www.auctionzip.com/VA-Auctioneers/14401.html. Ken Stanley will conduct the auction and he will be assisted by Bubby Entsminger. Food (rib eye steak sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs, banana splits, ice cream sundaes) will be available for purchase.
All proceeds will benefit three of Mill Creek’s Mission Teams who minister in Alaska, the Dominican Republic, and Standing Rock Indian Reservation. The church is located at 11475 Lee Highway, Fincastle.
Concert, dinner at Bonsack UMC benefits Backpack Ministry
The Bonsack/Blue Ridge Ruritan Club is sponsoring a concert and barbecue dinner to benefit the Children’s Backpack Ministry at Bonsack United Methodist Church. The church is located at 4493 Bonsack Road, Roanoke.
The Panamania/Steel Drum Band will perform from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 22, in the sanctuary, with a beef barbecue dinner to follow at 5:30. Tickets for the dinner are $8. Call Lou Rader at 598-2104 or any Ruritan member for tickets.
Mt. Carmel Homecoming September 22
Mt. Carmel Church, Eagle Rock, will have Homecoming services on September 22. The Eagers, missionaries to Mexico, will share at 10 a.m., with worship at 11 am. A fellowship meal follows. All are welcome
Valley View Baptist Homecoming September 22
Valley View Baptist Church will have Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 22. Guest speaker at the 11 a.m. service will be Pastor Mike Vest from Faith Missionary Baptist Church in Christiansburg. The service will be followed by a potluck meal. No night service will be held that day. The community and former members are invited to attend.
Fincastle United Methodist Homecoming September 29
Fincastle United Methodist Church (FUMC) will celebrate Homecoming Sunday on September 29. There will be one combined worship service at 11 a.m. followed by a potluck luncheon in the Family Life Center. Former FUMC Pastor the Rev. Don Carlton will preach at the Homecoming service this year. He served as FUMC pastor from 1971-1974 and is currently retired. There will also be a brief history presentation given by Botetourt Historical Society member and FUMC member Angela Coon.
Regarding the meal, the FUMC Fun and Fellowship team will supply ham and turkey with gravy and dressing. Bring a dish to share that will complement the meats such as salads, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and desserts. Everyone is invited to Homecoming. The church is located at 136 Church Street, Fincastle, and can be reached at 473-3001 or fumc@rbnet.com.
Community Festival at Colonial Baptist
Colonial Baptist Church in Blue Ridge invites everyone to the annual Community Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept. 28, from 4-7 p.m. All events and food are absolutely free– hayrides, horse rides, live music, Sabretooth Slide, American Ninja Warrior course, balloon sculptures, photo booth, face painting, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn and more.
There are free dinner shows at 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. Music will be provided by the Clearbrook Gospel Music Fellowship. Bring lawn chairs. No rain date will be set.
Colonial Baptist is located at 221 Hillcrest Street in Blue Ridge, just off Mountain Pass Road. See the Facebook page or call the church office at 977-5683 for more information.
Cloverdale Church of the Brethren Thrift Shop
Fall is almost here and the Thrift Shop is stocked with fall clothes for women, men, children and infants. The shop is open each Saturday from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
The Women’s Fellowship is sponsoring the annual Christmas Bazaar on November 2 and has a limited amount of spaces available. They are six-foot tables for $20. If you are interested call Marjorie Snider, 992-5132.
Virginia Presbyterian fish fry September 28
Virginia Presbyterian Church will have a fish fry from 4-6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28 at the church, 918 Pico Road, Buchanan. Tickets will be required. Call Bobbi Sloan at 254-2712 for tickets or stop by Botetourt Funeral Home.
The menu will be white fish, parslied potatoes, cole slaw, cornbread, tea or lemonade. Dessert will be sold extra. Proceeds will help fund the church’s mission projects.
St. Mark’s annual spaghetti supper October 5
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church will hold its 24th Annual Italian Night Spaghetti Dinner at the Fincastle Firehouse on Saturday, Oct. 5, from 4-7:15 p.m. The Italian theme will be portrayed in table and wall decorations. The cost is $10 for adults and children over 12 years old. There is no charge for children under 12 years of age. The meal includes a full portion of homemade spaghetti, salad, garlic bread sticks, lemonade, ice tea, and a variety of homemade desserts. Meals will be available for take-out.
Tickets can be purchased in advance at the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Ministry Center office at 221 S. Roanoke Street in Fincastle and from church members or may be purchased at the door. Proceeds from the event go to outreach ministries in the local Fincastle and Botetourt County area. The event is put on by the Episcopal Men’s Fellowship of St. Mark’s. The homemade desserts and spaghetti sauce are prepared by the St. Mark’s Episcopal Church Women. Inquiries may be made at 473-2370 or details found at www.stmarksfincastle.org.
Free children’s art classes at Fincastle UMC
Fincastle United Methodist Church (FUMC) will host free children’s art classes. Candace Monaghan, local artist and graphic designer, will be teaching children’s art classes on Wednesday nights starting in October. These classes are part of the FUMC Wednesday event, TOW or Together on Wednesdays, which begins with a meal at 6 p.m. and is followed by adult, youth and children’s classes from 6:30-7:30 p.m.
The classes are for children ages 3-12 and will be held after the meal on Wednesdays, October 2 through November 20. The church office can be reached at 473-3001 for any questions.
Bonsack Baptist Church is holding its third annual Craft Expo on Saturday, Nov. 2 from 9 a.m-2 p.m. in the Community Life Center, 4945 Cloverdale Road. It is free to the public. More than 50 vendors are participating. Various craft items will be sold and an outside vendor will sell kettle corn. All are invited. For more information, call Marquita Brown at Bonsack Baptist, 977-57