The Church of the Transfiguration will dedicate its new sign at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Aug. 16 at 7624 Roanoke Road, Fincastle. The church decided to embark on this project in the midst of the pandemic because the sign has both a practical and symbolic meaning, a church spokesman said. “Practical, because we are letting people know that we are the Roman Catholic presence in Botetourt and not just ‘the pink church on the hill.’ And symbolic because it proudly represents our intention to be a sign of inclusion, unity and welcome to everyone,” she said. The dedication will be livestreamed to the church’s Facebook page and will be shown in the social hall for those who don’t want to make the trek to and from the sign. All activities will require a mask and social distancing, as well as comfortable shoes to walk up the incline for the dedication. Because of current restrictions, a reception will not be held, but bottled water will be available.