Student Government Day is held each year to provide an opportunity for Radford High School Seniors to learn more about local government, shadow City Officials and explore Community Development.
Throughout the day students follow their counterparts and learn what a day in the life of a city employee entails. There is also a student City Council meeting with an agenda of student driven ideas. This year two ideas emerged that the Radford City Council decided to implement.
The first idea was library pedestrian safety. Radford High School students expressed thoughts about the speed of vehicles entering and exiting the Public Library. The Library Director, Engineering Technician and Public Works Director reviewed the concern, student ideas and safety improvements, including a pedestrian crossing in conjunction with a “speed bump”, improved signage and sidewalk enhancements were all completed in early summer of 2017.
The second idea implemented was the addition of two new pet waste stations in Bisset Park. These are to support increased pet activity along the walkways and open areas. The stations were installed along the dumpsters beside the walkway at the second and third shelters in Bisset.
On Wednesday students, teachers, staff and City Council gathered to see the completed projects.