New legislation clarifies and makes improvements to the unlicensed farm use vehicle program administered through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). These changes work to clearly define the program, how the exemption can be used and limits the collection of personal information.
- Complete the application at https://tinyurl.com/dmvfarmuse.
- Present your application, vehicle title and $15 payment at your local DMV or DMV Select.
- Receive your placards which are valid for the life of the vehicle, but are not transferable.
Farm Use Placard Requirements
Enforcement of changes to the farm use vehicle program begin July 1, 2024.
Must be covered under liability insurance.
- Must Be Titled. Continues the longstanding requirement for a title on any pickup truck, panel truck and SUV obtaining a farm use placard. However, if a title is needed, a separate $15 titling fee will be imposed, but no sales and use tax would be imposed as long as the vehicle claims the exemption.
- Placards are Nontransferable. Permanent farm use placards issued by DMV are not transferable between vehicles but are valid for the lifetime of the vehicle and must be displayed in front and rear of vehicle at all times.
- Items Needed for Application:
- $15 application fee per vehicle
- Vehicle title
- Name of owner or lessee of the vehicle
- Approximate farm location and acreage where the vehicle is used
- The type of agricultural commodities produced on the farm
- Statement signed by the owner or lessee that the vehicle will only be used for the purposes allowed under the farm use exemption
- Statement signed by the owner or lessee that the vehicle is an insured motor vehicle
- What specific changes were made?
- Establishes criteria as follows for certain vehicles claiming the farm use exemption now required to obtain a permanent farm use placard from the DMV:
- Pickup trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than or equal to 7,500 pounds;
- Panel trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than or equal to 7,500 pounds; AND
- SUVs with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of less than or equal to 7,500 pounds.
- Trailers, semitrailers and vehicles weighing more than 7,500 pounds must only display a red and white farm use tag if operating under the exemption. These vehicles do NOT need a permanent placard from the DMV.
- Prohibits the DMV from sharing personal, proprietary information from the placard application with anyone.
- Clarifies that the vehicle obtaining the farm use placard is exempt from paying sales and use tax.
- However, sales and use tax will be imposed upon the current market value of the vehicle at the time that the vehicle is registered for a nonexempt use or sold to a person who does not qualify for the farm use exemption.
- Adds to the practices available to a farmer operating a farm use vehicle:
- Stop for a meal.
- Dispose of incidental trash from the farmer’s or employee’s home along with trash generated on the farm.
- Using either the permanent placard from the DMV, if required, or a red and white farm use tag, you may travel up to 75 miles, between your tracts of land, to a storage house, packing plant or market.
- A first violation is punishable by a fine of not more than $250, a second or subsequent violation shall constitute a traffic infraction punishable by a fine of $250.
- For more information, contact Katelyn Rose Jordan, Local & State Advocacy Specialist Governmental Relations by calling 804-241-4042 or emailing katelyn.jordan@vafb.com.
Virginia Farm Bureau Federation