A man who was once legally blind and now has his vision restored through a cornea transplant, a cancer survivor, a teacher, a student, a mortician, a pastor, a truck driver, a police officer, a school bus driver, a mechanic, a realtor, a purchasing agent, a high school principal, a business owner, a lab technician, and the list goes on and on – what do all of these people have in common? These and many more men and women represented here are volunteers with the fire departments and rescue squads in Montgomery County.
Representing over 1,673 years of combined service, the individuals with more than 40 years of service who volunteer for the Christiansburg, Blacksburg, Elliston, Long Shop McCoy, Riner, and Shawsville fire departments and rescue squads were recognized at Monday’s Board of Supervisors meeting.
In addition, these 37 long-time volunteers will be treated to a reception at 6 p.m. at the Montgomery County Government Center and will receive an acrylic trophy during the Board of Supervisors meeting.
“We are thankful that so many have dedicated their lives to helping others, and in many cases to saving lives,” said Neal Turner, Emergency Services Coordinator for Montgomery County.
“Without these highly trained and extremely dedicated men and women, we could not manage the large volume of emergency-related calls received by the County on a daily basis so effectively and efficiently.”
In 2016, the fire departments and rescue squads responded to over 11,000 calls.
“It is our honor to take the time to recognize these selfless men and women who do a wonderful job in their service to the citizens of Montgomery County,” said Chair Chris Tuck, District B, Montgomery County Board of Supervisors and member of the Fire and Rescue Commission.
“The knowledge and experience represented by our fire and rescue volunteers is astounding. I encourage us all to take the time to thank our fire and rescue volunteers who serve Montgomery County,” said Tuck.
Officially serving Montgomery County since the Christiansburg Fire Department was established in 1911, the now eight fire and rescue squads are comprised of 375 volunteers. To become a volunteer with the fire department, an individual must complete a minimum of 107 hours of fire training, plus any additional training required to master fire equipment and drive vehicles. For the rescue squad, volunteer must complete basic rescuer training, which requires 142 hours, plus any additional hours required by the fire department.
To learn more about the Montgomery County Emergency Services, visit montva.com.