Members of Cub Scout Pack 82 and Pack 137 gathered together again this year to put their cars and woodcraft skills to the test in the annual Pinewood Derby.
Pinewood Derby is a racing event for Cub Scouts in the Boy Scouts of America. Cub Scouts, with the help of parents, build their own cars from wood, usually from kits containing a block of pine, plastic wheels and metal axles.
On Saturday, March 18, the local Roanoke Scout district, the Great Valley, held it
s area Pinewood Derby. The overall winner in design was Sawyer H. from Pack 82. Then on Sunday, March 19, Pack 82 hosted the Botetourt area Pinewood Derby. The overall winner in speed was Webelos Mason Kincaid from Pack 82, followed by Tiger Alex Lakes in second and Wolf Daniel Estep in third place.
Cub Scout Pack 82 meets every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at the Church of the Transfiguration Catholic Church in Fincastle. First to fifth grade boys are invited to visit the pack and see what Scouting offers for their entire family. Cub Scout Pack 82 has lots of fun family activities planned, including picnics and hikes, campfires, camp-ins (nights at the museums), Troutoree Fishing Tournaments at Powhatan, Spookoree Camp Out, corn mazes, gymnastics night, ski weekends at Winterplace and adventures each week, annual Blue & Gold Banquet, Pinewood Derby races, Trailblazer Weekends, Gold Rush Camp Out, attending the NASCAR Truck Race at Martinsville Speedway, special trips to fun and interesting places, not to mention earning awards including belt loops, pins and patches.
For those playing sports on Thursdays, Pack 82 is an active group with weekend activities. For more information, contact Donna Haley at 966-4243 or email mgmom@outlook.com.