The Eagle Rock Ruritan Club met on November 19 at the Eagle Rock Community Center with veterans from the village of Eagle Rock and the surrounding area being special guests. The veterans shared about their experiences in the armed forces. The general consensus was that they were glad to have had the opportunity to serve, but it was hard to leave young wives, children, and/or sweethearts while putting marriage on hold until they returned.
“What we often fail to realize as we look at these aging vets, is that they were in their late teen years or early twenties when they marched off to war,” one Ruritan said. “We were thankful there was an occasional humorous story among the accounts! And one veteran gave his testimony that it was an honor to be a Patriot, but the greatest honor is to know Jesus Christ as your Savior.”
The Ruritans welcomed 13 veterans to the meeting, one of whom is a club member, Robin Bolton. One club member veteran, Jim Holaday, was absent but his wife Barbara spoke on his behalf and he was honored as well.
The meal was served by the VFW Auxiliary for the members and guests. The meeting was opened with the singing of “My Country ’Tis of Thee” and prayer, and closed with the pledge to the flag.
All were all reminded that the monthly visit by the LEAP truck will be on Friday, December 6 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. It was also announced that the Community Birthday Calendar is scheduled to arrive during the week of Thanksgiving. There is no charge for the calendar but it is a community service by the club. Copies may be obtained at the Iron & Oar Grill and the Eagle Rock Library.
~ Eagle Rock Ruritan Club