Photo courtesy of Eagle Rock Ruritan Club
The Eagle Rock Ruritan Club held its monthly meeting at the Eagle Rock Community Center on Tuesday, October 15. The meal was catered by Twink’s 220 Diner, located in Iron Gate.
As is customary, the evening began with the singing of “My Country, ’Tis of Thee,” followed by the blessing given by Robert McRae, chaplain. Traditionally, the October Ruritan meeting is “Friends Night.” Club President Beth Leffel welcomed eight guests who were attending. During the roll call, the guests were welcomed by name by the club members who had invited them.
Robin Bolton introduced the guest speaker, Lynette Saville, school counselor at Troutville Elementary School. Lynette gave an overall view of the many, varied responsibilities of an elementary school counselor. She gave a general description of some of the many challenges she encounters as she helps to deal with situations that arise on a daily basis in the school setting. Lynette concluded with a Q&A, during which time several club members indicated a keen interest in the well-being of students in the school setting, as well as their appreciation for the job of the elementary school counselors.
The Community Service Committees gave reports. Audrey Clark, chair of the Community Engagement Committee, informed the members of several “Dine and Donate” opportunities to support local organizations.
Erin Slusser-Pease, chair of the Public Services Committee, announced the PTA-sponsored Fall Festival at Eagle Rock Elementary School with apple butter making among many activities offered. She is also president of the PTA.
Bill Critcher, chair of Citizenship and Patriotism, reminded everyone of their privilege and civic responsibility to vote in the upcoming November 5 election.
Barbara Holaday, chair of the Environment Committee, announced that plans for the next litter pickup are in the making.
The next Potluck Community Fellowship Meal will be at the Eagle Rock Community Center at 12 noon on the first Monday of November, (Nov. 4 – note change from the regular second Monday). A Community Hymn Sing will be at Mount Carmel Church at 6:30 p.m. on November 17.
The Ruritan Club strives to show appreciation and deep gratitude for veterans by placing flags on graves of veterans who buried in cemeteries in the surrounding area. Also, the cub invites veterans who live in the Eagle Rock and surrounding communities to attend the November Ruritan Club meeting at which time members will honor veterans and give thanks for their service to the country.
The Ruritans are grateful for the opportunity to share the Eagle Rock Community Center with local individuals and groups for a nominal fee to help with utilities. Call 540-884-2775 for reservations.
All the services rendered by the Eagle Rock Ruritan Club are done in the spirit of “Fellowship, Goodwill, and Community Service,” which is the motto of the club. The members meet at 6:30 p.m. each third Tuesday and invite anyone interested in bettering the surrounding community to join with them.
~ Submitted by Jane McRae