At the recent James River High School Awards Assembly, Eagle Rock Ruritan Club President Brian Marazzi presented $600 Ruritan Scholarships to Fallon Bursey, River Clonch, Halee Guentzel and Hannah Slusser; and a $1,000 Mary D. “Paukey” Pauley Memorial Scholarship to Hayden Kay, who will be attending Dabney S. Lancaster Community College. The Ruritans consider it an honor to be able to present these scholarships and offer their best wishes to these and all the 2019 James River graduates as they have achieved their diplomas.
The program at the May meeting of the Rutitan Club was presented by Brenda Graham, director of the Diabetes Awareness and Management Program at LewisGale Hospital-Alleghany. Brenda emphasized the fact that stress management is one of the keys to meeting the challenges of diabetes. She concluded that a positive attitude helps diabetes patients to view their challenges as opportunities to improve eating habits and lifestyle in general. She gave many helpful and encouraging suggestions that help to lessen to effects of diabetes but also apply to the many stresses of life in general. Brenda ended on a light note in reminding members and guests that s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d spelled backwards equals d-e-s-s-e-r-t-s.
The club acknowledged with thanks the receipt of a Jeanette Shirley painting of the old Eagle Rock Mill donated by long-time Ruritan Club member Joseph B. Buhrman. Members also acknowledged with congratulations that two of the members, Steve and Donna Vaughn, recently received The Chancellor’s Award from Dabney S. Lancaster Community College for their service.
Ruritan members helped to place flags on veterans’ graves at many cemeteries in the Northern Botetourt community, and acknowledgede the passing of a World War II veteran in Eagle Rock, Junior Lee Clark, at the age of 92. Ruritan members give tribute and honor to all veterans who have given service to this nation in helping to preserve the freedoms and opportunities that we have. Bill Critcher on behalf of the Citizenship and Patriotism Committee emphasized that one of those privileges is the right to vote as he reminded everyone of the upcoming primary on June 11.
The next meeting will be June 18 at the Eagle Rock Community Center. All are welcome. The center is available for use by individuals and organizations in the area. For reservations, call 884-2775.