The Fincastle Sustainability Committee (known as SusCom) and the Friends of the Fincastle Library are excited to be partnering an Earth Day Event planned for Saturday, April 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Fincastle Library. The event being held in conjunction with a book and bake sale taking place at the Fincastle Library at the same time. The book and bake sale is also being held on April 18, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and April 19, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Earth Day Event is Saturday only and is free and open to the public.
Local experts will lead the topics for Earth Day, and will include information about bees, composting and plant exchange, water and soil exploration, and conservation easements. Topics will include “Bees” led by Tom Wolfe and the 4-H Bee Club, “Composting & Plant Exchange” led by Lyn Burton and the Big Spring Garden Club, “Soil & Water” led by Anne Jones, the local Extension Agent, and “Conservation Easements. ” Visitors are invited to bring plants to participate in the plant exchange.
This is the first year the Fincastle Sustainability Committee is organizing the Earth Day Event. The committee grew out of the Fincastle Comprehensive Plan with a mission to help Fincastle be a community that can persist over generations, enjoying a healthy environment, prosperous economy, and vibrant civic life. Their goal for 2024 is to provide information to the community on environmental issues. The chair of the committee is Bess Madonna, and other committee members include Amanda Schulz, Jonathan McCoy, and Tara Williamson. Reach out to Bess Madonna (bessmadonna@aol.com) if you are interested in working on one of their projects.
Last year, the SusCom planted a Pollinating Garden at Big Spring Park in Fincastle. They will continue to enrich the garden with more upgrades and plants this year. The Pollinating Garden can be found along the new trail and is open to the public.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report