Two Earth Day activities highlighted last weekend in Botetourt. The Fincastle Sustainability Committee (SusCom) and the Friends of the Fincastle Library put on a fun Earth Day Event at the Fincastle Library. Local experts led in Earth Day activities where guests learned about bees from the 4-H Honey Bee Club, composting and plant exchange information via the Big Spring Garden Club, water and soil exploration with Virginia Cooperative Extension’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent Anne Jones, information about the upcoming Eagle Rock Science Fair with Eagle Rock Ruritan Beth Leffel, and more.
The Botetourt County Farmers Market hosted an “Earth Day Market” featuring items sold by local vendors that featured sustainable products. Visitors spent the morning perusing the local wares and learning about the environment. The regular season of the market begins on May 4 from 8:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. at the Daleville Town Center.
~ Fincastle Herald staff report